Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority

Construction & Professional Services Bid Solicitations
ROW Addendum Compliance
On April 18th, 2023 the MBTA was directed by the FTA to prohibit access to the ROW unless individuals accessing the ROW have been trained on new materials and practices.
Vendor Letter - ROW Addendum Compliance
Information Regarding FTA Immediate Action Letter- MBTA ROW Access
Materials Management
Capital Delivery
Procurement Information
Each year the Capital Delivery Directorate, administers projects worth approximately $371,000,000. We have a thorough process for evaluating our contractors and ensuring that they have the experience and capabilities to handle multi-million dollar projects.
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Change in software used for bidding on MBTA Construction contracts.
Effective June 30, 2019, the Expedite Bid component software will be replaced by the AASHTOWare Project Bids Bid component software. All MBTA bids will be required to be submitted using this new software. Any bid openings prior to the June 30, 2019 date will still be submitted using the current Expedite Bid software. More information will be shared soon.
Please download the PDF file for actions and instructions on the new Project Bids software. (
Project Bids announcement to MBTA Digital ID holders)
If you have any questions, please contact the Bid Express service at or 888-352-2439.
You can find the summary for upcoming solicitations by clicking on the link below:
- Upcoming Construction Contract Solicitations
- Upcoming Design Build and Construction Manager At Risk Solicitations
- Upcoming Professional Services Solicitations
All current bids and solicitations are posted to our web site and are constantly updated to reflect the most recent information. You can find the summary for each bid and solicitation by clicking on the links below. Please see the Complete Notice to Bidders link on individual contract pages for specifics.
As of March 1, 2014, the MBTA Capital Delivery Directorate will no longer have contract specifications and drawings available for pick up. Project documents will be available for download from an MBTA FTP site, or on CD via Fed Ex delivery. For project specific information, see below.
Current CM at Risk Solicitations
- CMAR 200 Newport Ave Operations Control Center, OCC, Quincy MA
- CMAR Symphony Station Improvements Project, Boston, MA (Re-advertisement)
- CMAR Green Line Riverside and Innerbelt Vehicle Maintenance Facility "VMF" Upgrades, Somerville, Newton, MA
Current Construction Contract Bid Solicitations
- Design Build (DB) North Station Draw One Bridge Replacement and Associated Track & Signal Upgrades, Boston, Cambridge and Somerville, MA
- Design Build (DB) Services for GL B Branch Short Term Accessibility Improvements
- Design Build (DB) Services for GL C Branch Short Term Accessibility Improvements
Current Professional Services Solicitations
Contract Number | Contract Title | Contract Type | Due Date | |
![]() | H32PS03 | PM/CM Services for North Station Draw One | RFQ-RFP | 4/8/2025 |
Current SBE Solicitations (Small Business Enterprise)
The Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program promotes business opportunities for small business enterprises (as defined by the federal Small Business Administration (SBA). The SBE Program is designed to create and sustain opportunities for small businesses to participate in capital construction projects at the MBTA, as well as stimulate the Massachusetts economy by providing sustained revenue opportunities to local small businesses.
Bid Responses
The MBTA is bound by Federal and State statutes to publicly advertise all of its construction projects for the solicitation of bids. In order to procure the lowest responsive bidder construction contracts are advertised in various publications and on the MBTA website. For contracts with estimated values exceeding one million dollars, prequalification is required. Prequalification forms can be found on the MBTA Website, or by clicking here.
Once the MBTA receives bid responses from each interested contractor, the bids are reviewed and the initial bid amounts are posted to the website on the date of the bid opening.
Awarded MBTA Contracts
After a thorough review process, the T's primary goal is to ensure that all contracts are awarded to the lowest responsive bidder, within specification requirements and in compliance with MBTA Procurement Policies and Procedures and other Federal and State laws, rules and regulations. Upon execution of the contract, the project advances to the construction phase and overall management of the project is transferred to the construction project manager and his/her field staff.
Questions? Please contact Customer Support for more information.