IFB 249- 24 Not Awarded: Bids excceed budget Bid Cancelled due to funding. Description: The MBTA seeks to PurchaseEmergency replacement glassCategory: Other Equipment/Materials/PartsBuyer: Jamie Miele | 781-831-1112 | JMiele@MBTA.com Documents: Bid Document RFI 157-19 CLOSED Description: The MBTA seeks information for 157-19
40-foot Low Floor Diesel-Electric Hybrid BusesCategory: Revenue Vehicles (Bus Heavy Rail...)Buyer: Aidan Flynn | 617-222-5893 | AFlynn@MBTA.com Documents: 40-foot Low Floor Diesel-Electric Hybrid RFI 176-15 CLOSED Description: The MBTA is seeking contractors to operate equipment for the purpose of snow and ice control when and so directed by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA). Compensation for such services shall be based on the conditions in the agreement and each of the following listed Attachments:
Attachment A: 2015-2017 Hour Rental Rates and Vehicle Codes
Attachment B: Fuel Adjustment Worksheet
Attachment C: General Terms and Conditions
Attachment D: Steel Cutting Edge Exemption Request Form
Attachment E: GPS Handset Agreement
Attachment F: Contractor License Certification (Annually)
Attachment G: Calibration Certification (Annually)
Attachment H: Required Forms
Attachment I: Closed Loop Ground Speed Control System Calibration, Data and Volume Verification Form (Annually)Category: Construction ServicesBuyer: Elizabeth Tetreault | 617-222-3057 | etetreault@MBTA.com Documents: RFI 176-15 Snow & Ice Control Agreement RFI 21-17 CLOSED Description: The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather industry input on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) with respect to development of technical specifications for and procurement of the following self-propelled Maintenance of Way (MOW) vehicles: (a) Overhead Catenary System (OCS) Wire Inspection Cars for the Blue and Green Lines and (b) Crane Cars for the Red, Orange, and Blue lines. MBTA is seeking information regarding availability of stock equipment that can perform the required MOW work tasks and/or the commercial feasibility of customized work vehicles with the features desired by MBTA.
This RFI seeks information from interested parties to assist the MBTA with development of technical specifications for procuring two types of self-propelled MOW vehicles: (a) OCS Wire Inspection Cars for the Blue and Green Lines and (b) Crane Cars for the Red, Orange, and Blue lines. MBTA is seeking to procure as many as two (2) OCS Wire Inspection Cars and three (3) Crane Cars to replace the aging equipment currently used to perform the required MOW work tasks.Category: Revenue Vehicles (Bus Heavy Rail...)Buyer: Kevin Ahern | 617-222-1609 | kahern@mbta.com Documents: RFI 21-17 Procurement Document RFI 21-17 Clarification: Submission Time RFI 21-17 Addendum No. 3 RFI 21-17 Addendum No. 2 RFI 153-15 CLOSED Description: The MBTA is seeking contractors to operate equipment for the purpose of snow and ice control when and so directed by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA). Compensation for such services shall be based on the conditions in the agreement and each of the following listed Attachments:
Attachment A, 2015-2017 Hourly Rental Rates and Vehicle Codes
Attachment B, Fuel Adjustment Worksheet
Attachment C, Terms and Conditions/Indemnification
Attachment D, Steel Cutting Edge Exemption Request Form
Attachment E, GPS Handset Agreement
Attachment F, Contractor License Certification (Annually)
Attachment G, Calibration Certification (Annually)
Attachment H, Required Forms
Attachment I, Closed Loop Ground Speed Control System Calibration, Data and Volume Verification Form (Annually)Category: Construction ServicesBuyer: Elizabeth Tetreault | 617-222-3057 | etetreault@MBTA.com Documents: RFI 153-15 Attachments.pdf RFI 39-16 CLOSED Description: The purpose of this RFI is to solicit information, ideas and recommendations from interested parties to assist the MBTA in its approach to structuring and issuing a formal request for proposals to transform and sustain our Human Capital Management (HCM) system and all of the associated preparation and changes necessary to ensure that our efforts are successful. We hope to receive responses from product vendors, system integrators, and general experts in the field. Our motivation for this project is to better serve our customers by increasing efficiency and effectiveness while concurrently reducing risk.
Questions concerning information about the MBTA, RFI# 39-16 “MBTA HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT (HCM) SYSTEMS UPGRADE” and/or general information regarding the RFI process must be directed to:
E-Mail: rfiresponse@MBTA.com
Email Question Due Date
All written questions from prospective Respondents regarding the RFI must be sent to rfiresponse@MBTA.com with “Questions – RFI# 39-16 “MBTA HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT (HCM) SYSTEMS UPGRADE” in the Subject Line. The questions must be received no later than 12:00 p.m. (Noon) Eastern Standard Time on Thursday, April 21, 2016.
Q&A Session at MBTA Offices:
April 7, 2016 at 2:00 PM
Room #1 on 2nd floor of the
Transportation Building
(located at 10 Park Plaza, Boston MA)Category: Administrative ServicesBuyer: Daniel Smith | 617-222-3348 | rfiresponse@MBTA.com Documents: RFI 39-16 Q&A for RFI Responders - HR-IT RFI 39-16 Addendum No. 3 RFI # 39-16 - (HCM) SYSTEMS UPGRADE Addendum No. 1 - RFI 39-16.doc RFI 48-16 CLOSED Description: The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather information and suggestions on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) on - approaches to managing the MBTA’s 100 different parking facilities including 10 structured garages and 90 surface lots (3 facilities have both a garage and a surface lot), containing approximately 44,000 parking spaces.
Release Date 04/11/16
Responder Deadline to Submit Questions on the Content of the RFI @ 12:00 Noon, Est 04/22/16
Responder Questions to RFI Answered Via Email 04/29/16 (EXTENDED TO: FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2016, AT 5:00 pm)
RFI Responses Due @ 12:00 Noon, Est 05/09/16Category: Real Estate ServicesBuyer: Takary Connor | 617-222-3349 | rfiresponce@MBTA.com Documents: RFI 48-16 Appendix C RFI 48-16 Appendix B RFI 48-16 Appendix A RFI 48-16 Addendum No. 1 RFI # 48-16 - Mgt of Parking SVCS RFI 35-16 CLOSED Description: The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather information on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) with respect to station, facility, and vehicle cleaning, recycling, and waste disposal.
The MBTA is currently evaluating the status of these activities to identify potential areas for improvement in future contracts. The goal of this evaluation is to reduce the overall cost of
the cleaning program through consolidation and bundling of related maintenance activities, as well as to increase productivity and efficiency in these services through enhanced process management. In addition, the Authority is seeking to minimize the environmental impact of cleaning activities to protect operating systems and to meet the objectives the existing system sustainability program.
To assist in this process, the MBTA seeks the opinions and input for all interested parties doing business in the area of station and facility cleaning, waste recycling, solid waste disposal, environmental services, and biohazard material disposal. The MBTA will consider any reasonable method of service delivery and contract management put forward. This may include restructuring of the contract scope, use of alternative contracting methods, development of new performance metrics, use of innovative products and equipment, alternate staffing approaches, subcontracting of services, and establishment of uniform cleaning standards
Supplier Deadline to Submit Questions on the Content of the RFI at 12:00 noon, estCategory: Cleaning ServicesBuyer: Takary Connor | 617-222-3349 | rfiresponse@MBTA.com Documents: RFI 35-16 Station, Facility and Vehicle RFP 62-16 CLOSED Description: This Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to solicit proposals for on-call consultant services for Request for Information (RFI) and Request for Proposal (RFP) Development Services to support the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s (“MBTA”) bid solicitation process. MBTA management’s research shows that there are a significant number of organizations, firms and individuals that can offer this service reliably at an attractive cost. This RFP aims to capitalize on those firms’ capabilities to improve its capacity for developing and issuing RFPs and RFIs.
Any questions about, request for clarification to, or requests for relief from, the requirements of this RFP must be submitted in writing and received by, the MBTA before 12:00 noon on June 1, 2016. Please email your questions to Elizabeth Tetreault, Contracting Officer, at RFxDevelopmentServices@mbta.com. The MBTA will respond in writing by email or Fax.
All questions and the MBTA answers will be furnished to all recipients of the RFP. Should the MBTA make changes to any specification, stipulation, requirement, or procedure, notification will be made to all Respondents in the form of written Addenda. No officer, agent, or employee of the MBTA is authorized to amend any provision contained in this RFP, including the specifications, unless such amendment is issued as an Addendum and sent to all Respondents in accordance with this section (Clarification of Specifications).
Interested vendors should not contact any other employee, selection committee member, Board of Director, or agent of the MBTA concerning the subject matter of the Request for Proposal or related matters. Any Respondents contacting any such person shall be disqualified.Category: Administrative ServicesBuyer: Elizabeth Tetreault | 617-222-3057 | RFxDevelopmentServices@mbta.com Documents: Schedule A RFP 62-16 - Pricing Proposal Form.pdf RFP NO 62-16.pdf RFP 62-16 Questions and Responses.pdf RFP 62-16 Attachment 1 - Statements and Certifications.pdf RFP 62-16 Addendum No. 3 RFP 62-16 Addendum No. 1.pdf MBTA Travel Policy.pdf Copy of Schedule C - KPIs.pdf Copy of Schedule B - Scope of Services and RACI.pdf Addemdum 2 rfp 62-16.docx LOI 1-16 CLOSED Description: The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (“MBTA”) hereby solicits Letters of Interest (“LOI”) from firms or teams interested in the overhaul of a number of the MBTA’s diesel electric passenger locomotives.
Letters of Interest will be accepted by the MBTA until 2:00 pm on July 18, 2016. All responses should be labeled “LOI #1-16 - Commuter Rail Passenger Locomotive Overhaul” and addressed to:
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
10 Park Plaza, Suite 2810
Attn: Gerard J. Polcari, Chief Procurement Officer
Re: LOI# 1-16
Boston, MA 02116Category: Revenue Vehicles (Bus Heavy Rail...)Buyer: | 617-222-3349 | rfiresponce@MBTA.com Documents: LOI # 1-16 RFP 84-16 CLOSED Description: The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) located in Boston, Massachusetts is seeking submissions from firms with existing applications to award a no-money endorsement of an application partner of the MBTA for a period of 12 months, piloting innovative features and data sharing while improving day-to-day customer experience.Category: Information TechnologyBuyer: Elizabeth Tetreault | 617-222-3057 | etetreault@MBTA.com Documents: RFP 84-16 App Partnership RFI 197-15 CLOSED Description: The MBTA is requesting information and feedback from the Out of Home, Digital, Wireless, and Local Advertising Industries in preparation for the release of an RFP for Transit Advertising Services.Category: Advertising / Marketing ServicesBuyer: Elizabeth Tetreault | 617-222-3057 | etetreault@MBTA.com Documents: RFI 197-15 Document Questionnaire Addendum 1 RFI 199-15 CLOSED Description: The MBTA seeks information and ideas from interested parties (‘Respondents’) to assist the MBTA in its
approach to structuring and issuing formal Requests for Proposal (RFP) for Automated Fare Collection
Questions concerning information about the MBTA, RFI #199-15, “Automated Fare Collection” or general
information regarding the RFI process must be directed to E-Mail: afcresponse@mbta.comCategory: Revenue Operations ServicesBuyer: | 617-222-3200 | afcresponse@mbta.com Documents: RFI 199-15 Automated Fare Collection Ser RFI 199-15 AFC Attachment B RFI 199-15 AFC Attachment A RFI 199-15 CLOSED Description: The MBTA seeks information and ideas from interested parties (‘Respondents’) to assist the MBTA in its
approach to structuring and issuing formal Requests for Proposal (RFP) for Automated Fare Collection
Questions concerning information about the MBTA, RFI #199-15, “Automated Fare Collection” or general
information regarding the RFI process must be directed to E-Mail: afcresponse@mbta.comCategory: Revenue Operations ServicesBuyer: | 617-222-3200 | afcresponse@mbta.com Documents: RFI 199-15 Automated Fare Collection Ser RFI 199-15 AFC Attachment B RFI 199-15 AFC Attachment A RFI 199-15 CLOSED Description: The MBTA seeks information and ideas from interested parties (‘Respondents’) to assist the MBTA in its
approach to structuring and issuing formal Requests for Proposal (RFP) for Automated Fare Collection
Questions concerning information about the MBTA, RFI #199-15, “Automated Fare Collection” or general
information regarding the RFI process must be directed to E-Mail: afcresponse@mbta.comCategory: Revenue Operations ServicesBuyer: | 617-222-3200 | afcresponse@mbta.com Documents: RFI 199-15 Automated Fare Collection Ser RFI 199-15 AFC Attachment B RFI 199-15 AFC Attachment A RFI 11-16 CLOSED Description: The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) is in the process of developing a Technical Specification and Request for Proposals (RFP) to overhaul one hundred fifty-five (155) New Flyer D40LF 40-foot low-floor design buses with Stainless Steel structure and diesel propulsion.
The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to notify suppliers, service providers, and subcontractors of the MBTA's intentions and to invite industry-wide participation during the upcoming competitive RFP process. This notice is also intended to solicit feedback from prime bus over- haulers for the MBTA's review and use in developing the RFP and Technical Specification.
Letters of Interest MUST be emailed to Michelle Barry, Project Coordinator at MBarry@mbta.com no later than Wednesday, February 3, 2016 by 3pm EST. Attached for your review are the Technical Specifications for the Midlife Overhaul of 155 New Flyer Buses for you to submit your letters of interest (LOI) in response. All documentation submitted in response to this notice may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the Massachusetts Public Records Law (M.G.L. c. 66 and M.G.L. c. 4, section 7, cl. (26).Category: Revenue Vehicles (Buses)Buyer: Michelle Barry | 617-222-3402 | MBarry@MBTA.com Documents: RFI 11-16 New Flyer_ECD_Overhaul - Attachments -.pdf RFI 11-16 New Flyer ECD Overhaul Spec 12_24_15-DRAFT.pdf RFI 11-16 155 Midlife Overhaul of 155 New Flyer Buses Final.pdf RFI 20-16 CLOSED Description: The Purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather information on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) with respect to lowering the cost reducing the headcount without having a negative impact on the rider's experience.
Email Questions Due Date: All written questions from prospective Respondents regarding the RFI must be sent to afcresponse@mbta.com with "Questions - RFI #20-16 "Third Party Assistance in Planning & Administering a Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program" in the Subject Line.
The Questions MUST be received no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday, February 16, 2016.
PLEASE NOTE: THE RFI DUE DATE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO MAR. 4, 2016 AT 12 NOON, EST.Category: Administrative ServicesBuyer: Takary Connor | 617-222-3349 | TConnor@MBTA.com Documents: RFI 20-16 VRIP -TC.pdf RFI 20-16 Extension #2 RFI 20-16 Extension #1 RFQ 88-16 CLOSED Description: The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) is issuing this Request for
Qualifications (RFQ) to solicit Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified Respondents
interested in providing the design, implementation, integration, testing, financing, operations,
maintenance and management services (the Contract Services) necessary to implement a new
automated, account-based open fare collections system (the System).Category: Revenue Operations ServicesBuyer: Ronald Hollander | 617-222-5995 | RHollander@MBTA.com Documents: RFQ 88-16 Letter RFQ 88-16 - RFQ Forms RFQ 88-16 - Industry Forum Presentation RFQ 88-16 - Industry Forum List of Atten RFQ 88-16 - Background Documents 1 RFQ 88-16 - Addendum No 3 RFQ 88-16 - Addendum No 2 RFQ 88-16 - Addendum No 1 RFQ 88-16 RFQ 88-16 Addendum 4.pdf LOI 94-16 CLOSED Description: The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (the "MBTA") hereby solicits Letters of Interest (LOI) from firms or teams (the "Teams") interested in providing Design-Build (DB) services for installation work (the "Project") relating to a new automated fare collections system (AFC 2.0). The Project is being procured using a two part, best-value DB procurement process pursuant to M.G.L.c.149A s. 14 et seq.
Project Description: The Project includes all installation work relating to AFC 2.0 that will take place within MBTA stations and at other designated MBTA and public property locations, excluding installation work on MBTA vehicles which will be included in the scope of the AFC 2.0 Contract. Generally, the Project will include the removal or refurbishment of fare gates, the installation of platform validators and vending machines, and the removal of those physical components of the existing system located within MBTA stations and at such other designated MBTA and public property locations. The exact scope of the Project will be determined based on the Systems Integrator’s proposal, as decisions such as whether to replace or refurbish existing gates and the number and location of validators and vending machines will be made by the Systems Integrator as part of its overall solution for the long-term performance of AFC 2.0.
Please refer to attach PDF Letter of Interest (LOI 94-16) via download at:
Electronic submittals and hard copies will be accepted. Responses must be sent to the following individuals:
Ronald Hollander
Sourcing Executive – Procurement and Logistics
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
10 Park Plaza, Suite 2810
Boston, MA 02116-3974
Email address: RHollander@MBTA.com
Margaret H. Hinkle
Director of Contract Administration
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
10 Park Plaza, Suite 6720
Boston, MA 02116-3074
Email address: MHinkle@MBTA.com
Letters of Interest must provide a mailing address, telephone number, email address and fax number for their Team’s designated primary contact in order to ensure that a notice of the RFQ’s availability will be received by the interested Team. Teams are advised to provide an email address for a secondary contact, in case the primary contact is inaccessible.Category: Construction ServicesBuyer: Ronald Hollander | 617-222-5995 | RHollander@MBTA.com Documents: LOI 94-16 Letter of Interest RFI 126-16 CLOSED Description: The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather information on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) with respect to Outsourcing Drug Testing Services. We believe that outsourcing this process to 3rd Party health care providers may lead to (1) reduced risk to the Company for employee bias complaints that can lead to lawsuits; (2) avoid conflict of interest for on-site medical staff that may know colleagues being tested; and (3) risks based on information gathered for HIPAA and the American with Disabilities Act.
1-23-2017: PLEASE BE ADVISED, RFI 126-16 HAS BEEN CANCELLED, DUE TO CHANGE OF SCOPE.Category: Medical ServicesBuyer: Karen Casey | 617-222-1970 | kcasey@MBTA.com RFI 118-15 CLOSED Description: The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather information on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) with respect to improving its bus operations through the redeployment of bus operations resources from two areas: (a) Bus routes with moderate ridership which could potentially use smaller buses than the MBTA currently operates; and, (b) Bus routes with substantial highway/express portions. We expect that this could allow reinvestment of resources to existing higher-ridership routes.Category: Transportation / Freight / Logistics ServicesBuyer: Elizabeth Tetreault | 617-222-3057 | etetreault@MBTA.com Documents: RFI 118-15 Questions & Answers Meeting Groundrules Local 589 Contract Additional Document Local 589 Contract Attachment B_Bus Route Potential Contracting Opportunities_Final2 (2).pdf Attachment A Amendment 3 Amendment 2 Amendment 1 RFI 119-15 CLOSED Description: The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather information on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) with respect to improving its bus operations through the redeployment of bus operations resources away from the provisioning of late-night bus service. We expect that this could allow reinvestment of resources to existing higher-ridership routes.Category: Transportation / Freight / Logistics ServicesBuyer: Elizabeth Tetreault | 617-222-3057 | etetreault@MBTA.com Documents: RFI 119-15 Questions & Answers Meeting Groundrules Local 589 Contract Additional Documents Local 589 Contract Attachment B_Bus Route Potential Contracting Opportunities_Final2 (2).pdf Attachment A Amendment 3 Amendment 2 Amendment 1 RFI 129-15 CLOSED Description: The MBTA is seeking contractors to operate equipment for the purpose of snow and ice control when and so directed by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA). Compensation for such services shall be based on the conditions in this agreement and each of the following listed Attachments:
Attachment A, 2015-2017 Hourly Rental Rates and Vehicle Codes
Attachment B, Fuel Adjustment Worksheet
Attachment C, Terms and Conditions/Indemnification
Attachment D, Steel Cutting Edge Exemption Request Form
Attachment E, GPS Handset Agreement
Attachment F, Contractor License Certification (Annually)
Attachment G, Calibration Certification (Annually)
Attachment H, Required Forms
Attachment I, Closed Loop Ground Speed Control System Calibration, Data and Volume Verification Form (Annually)Category: Other ServicesBuyer: Elizabeth Tetreault | 617-222-3057 | etetreault@MBTA.com Documents: W 9 Form Vendor Set Up Snow & Ice Control Services Equipment List Checklist Attachment I Attachment H Attachment G Attachment F Attachment E Attachment D Attachment C Attachment B Attachment A Addendum 1 RFI 123-15 CLOSED Description: The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather information on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) with respect to the procurement of On-Peak Energy and Off-Peak Energy. The Authority is seeking feedback regarding the Terms and Conditions and will analyze the information based on economic, risk and indicative pricing. Qualified firms are strongly encouraged to respond and provide indicative pricing, comments, questions and information relative to the scope and approach of the project.
Responsive participation to this RFI shall serve as a factor for the impending Invitation for Bids (IFB). The data gathered will enable the Authority to develop a comprehensive IFB for a new Power Supply Contract, anticipated for release in October 2015. The superseding contract will begin as early as December 2015.Category: Utilities & Power ServicesBuyer: Elizabeth Tetreault | 617-222-3057 | etetreault@MBTA.com Documents: Wholesale Energy Memorandum RFI 123-15 Questions & Responses Power Suply Agreement Indicative Pricing Hourly Loads Attachment B Addendum 1 RFI 111-16 CLOSED Description: The purpose of this Request for Information ("RFI") is to gather information on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) with respect to Processing Drug tests. We believe that competitive bidding may get best costs for these tests based on the sheer volume of tests processed.Category: Medical ServicesBuyer: Karen Casey | 617-222-1970 | kcasey@MBTA.com Documents: RFI 111-16 Bid Document RFI 111-16 Addendum No. 2 RFI 111-16 Addendum No. 1 222-13 CLOSED Description: The MBTA is issuing this Request for Comment to facilitate the finalization of the specification in conjunction with leaders in the industry for Positive Train Control (PTC) System.Category: Communication EquipmentBuyer: Elizabeth Tetreault | 617-222-3057 | etetreault@MBTA.com Documents: Scope of Work Review Objectives Request for Comment Appendix M Appendix L Appendix K Appendix J Appendix I Appendix H Appendix G Appendix F Appendix E Appendix D Appendix C Appendix B Appendix A RFI 199-15 CLOSED Description: The MBTA seeks information and ideas from interested parties (‘Respondents’) to assist the MBTA in its approach to structuring and issuing formal Requests for Proposal (RFP) for Automated Fare Collection Services.
Questions concerning information about the MBTA, RFI #199-15, “Automated Fare Collection” or general
information regarding the RFI process must be directed to E-Mail: afcresponse@mbta.comCategory: Revenue Operations ServicesBuyer: | 617-222-3200 | afcresponse@mbta.com Documents: RFI 199-15 Q&A RFI 199-15 Automated Fare Collection Ser RFI 199-15 AFC EMC Mapping RFI 199-15 AFC Attachment B RFI 199-15 AFC Attachment A RFI 199-15 AFC Addendum No.1 PRE BID CONF. Sign In Sheet 43-14 CLOSED Description: The MBTA/massDOT is pleased to release the following Request for Information related to the procurement of Cloud Computing Services to support Oracle Applications and Database technologies.Category: Information TechnologyBuyer: Elizabeth Tetreault | 617-222-3057 | etetreault@MBTA.com Documents: 43-14 Request for Informatin 43-14 Letter 43-14 Financials and Supply Chain 99-14 CLOSED Description: The MBTA seeks Request for interes for Non-ADA Paratransit Taxi Transportation Services in Strict Accordance with MBTA Specifications.Category: Transportation / Freight / Logistics ServicesBuyer: Elizabeth Tetreault | 617-222-3057 | etetreault@MBTA.com Documents: 99-14 Taxi Service Contract 99-14 RFI Document RFI 95-15 CLOSED Description: The purpose of this Request For Information (RFI) is to gather information on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) with respect to improving its operations through the effective management of employee absences, especially unscheduled or same day absences.Category: Administrative ServicesBuyer: Elizabeth Tetreault | 617-222-3057 | etetreault@MBTA.com Documents: RFI 95-15 Document RFI 95-15 Addendum No. 2 RFI 95-15 Addendum No. 1 RFI 50-19 CLOSED Description: The goal of this RFI is to identify commuter rail coach designs that are readily available and could be readily modified for use on the MBTA system. In addition, this RFI seeks to determine what information is required by potential third party contractors to complete a bid on such a contract, as well as any other input potential Respondents would suggest for the development of the RFP..The MBTA is in the process of developing a technical specification for a fleet of up to 225 new bi-level coaches to replace the current single level fleet and accommodate increased ridership and planned system expansions.
The Authority wishes to ensure that its specification requirements not only meet the Authority’s service and maintenance needs, but also allow for a competitive bid process that provides equal opportunity for many bidders. To facilitate that process and maximize potential bidders, the MBTA has developed this RFI which seeks information from interested parties to assist the MBTA in development of specification requirements.Category: Revenue Vehicles (Bus Heavy Rail...)Buyer: Aidan Flynn | 617-222-5893 | AFlynn@MBTA.com Documents: RFI for up to 225 Bilevel Rail Coaches Addendum 1 RFI 54-19 CLOSED Description: The MBTA seeks to Purchase The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather information from qualified industry parties for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) to use in the development of technical specifications and other procurement documents for procurement of a new fleet of light rail vehicles for MBTA’s Green Line. These vehicles are designated the Green Line Type 10 Light Rail Vehicles and are conceptually described in the document GL10-00008 Type 10 Concept Report. industry parties that wish to participate in this RFI process should submit an Expression of Interest no later than the date shown in the RFI calendar below. The MBTA will review all Expressions of Interest and will distribute the Type 10 Concept Report to qualified industry parties as defined below in Section 4.6.
This is not a solicitation for technical or cost proposals.Category: Revenue Vehicles (Bus Heavy Rail...)Buyer: Aidan Flynn | 617-222-5893 | AFlynn@MBTA.com Documents: Bid Document RFI 158F-19 CLOSED Description: The MBTA seeks to request information for A Battery Electric Bus Evaluation Program for an a future program.Category: Revenue Vehicles (Bus Heavy Rail...)Buyer: Aidan Flynn | 617-222-5893 | AFlynn@MBTA.com Documents: RFI 158F-19 Addendum 3 Addendum 2 Addendum 1 RFI 255-19 CLOSED Description: The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather industry input on behalf of the
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) with respect to development of technical
specifications for the procurement of dedicated rail, self-propelled, Maintenance of Way (MOW) Crane
Cars for the Red, Orange, and Blue Rapid Transit lines.Category: Revenue Vehicles (Bus Heavy Rail...)Buyer: Rob Weiner | 617-222-3296 | RWeiner@MBTA.com Documents: Technical Specifications RFI 255-19 Appendix RFI # 8-20 CLOSED Description: The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) is evaluating options for transforming parts of its Commuter Rail operations from diesel-powered push-pull service to electric multiple unit (EMU) service with headways more similar to rapid transit. MBTA is issuing this Request for Information (RFI) to gauge market interest and the capabilities of potential Transit Vehicle Manufacturers (TVM) to supply EMU vehicles for the envisioned operations. Additionally, MBTA is seeking information about the range of EMU vehicle configurations available, the type of operations supported by each vehicle configuration, and any constraints imposed on the vehicle by the existing Commuter Rail infrastructure.Category: Revenue Vehicles (Bus Heavy Rail...)Buyer: Iya Kazakevich | (617) 222-6033 | ikazakevich@mbta.com Documents: RFI 8-20 Comment Sheet Addendum 3 change in the submission date Addendum 2 RFI 043 20 CLOSED Description: The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather industry input on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) with respect to development of technical specifications for the procurement of dedicated rail, self-propelled, Maintenance of Way (MOW) Overhead Contact System (OCS) Inspection and Maintenance Cars for the Green and Blue Rail Transit lines. The MBTA is seeking an industry review and feedback from MOW equipment manufacturers and alike regarding the feasibility and availability of the desired features and technical requirements outlined within the attached OCS Inspection and Maintenance Car Technical Specifications. The technical specifications are a revision from a previous MBTA cancelled Request for Proposals and we request your input prior to releasing for procurement.Category: Catenary / ElectrificationBuyer: Rob Weiner | 617-222-3296 | RWeiner@MBTA.com Documents: TS OCS Car Procurement EEandQA 886- RFI 02-17-2020.pdf TS OCS Car Appendix - RFI 02-17-2020.pdf MBTA Questions_Response MBTA OCS Inspect MBTA Questions_Response MBTA OCS Inspect Amendment A OCS RFI Bid Deadline RFI 43 20 CLOSED Description: The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather industry input on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) with respect to development of technical specifications for the procurement of dedicated rail, self-propelled, Maintenance of Way (MOW) Overhead Contact System (OCS) Inspection and Maintenance Cars for the Green and Blue Rail Transit lines.
MBTA is seeking an industry review and feedback from MOW equipment manufacturers and alike regarding the feasibility and availability of the desired features and technical requirements outlined within the attached OCS Inspection and Maintenance Car Technical Specifications. The technical specifications are a revision from a previous MBTA cancelled Request for Proposals and we request your input prior to releasing for procurement.Category: Catenary / ElectrificationBuyer: Rob Weiner | 617-222-3296 | RWeiner@MBTA.com Documents: MBTA RFI OCS Inspection Cars MBTA OCS Inspection Car Specifications MBTA OCS Inspection Car Appendix RFI 225-19 CLOSED Description: The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather industry input on behalf of the
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) with respect to development of technical
specifications for the procurement of dedicated rail, self-propelled, Maintenance of Way (MOW) Crane
Cars for the Red, Orange, and Blue Rapid Transit lines.Category: Catenary / ElectrificationBuyer: Rob Weiner | 617-222-3296 | RWeiner@MBTA.com IFB 62-21 CLOSED Description: The MBTA seeks to Purchase Maintenance Supplies for PipeFittersCategory: Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO)Buyer: Ian Atherton | 617-222-3344 | IAtherton@MBTA.com Additional information: https://app.fairmarkit.com/public/mbta Documents: IFB 62-21 Posting Notification IFB 70F-21 CLOSED Description: Today 06/04/2021, the MBTA is publishing 70F-21 on https://www.commbuys.com/bso/external/bidDetail.sdo?docId=BD-21-1206-40000-40000-63546 for the procurement of High Voltage Assembly Boxes. Responses are due by 06/018/2019 at 2:00 p.m.
Bidders are advised that this procurement will be conducted entirely on CommBuys, which may be accessed at https://www.commbuys.com/bso/external/bidDetail.sdo?docId=BD-21-1206-40000-40000-63546
If you are unable to access Fairmarkit or the RFQ, please contact me at iatherton@mbta.com
Please note that this MBTA Business Center Website will not be monitored during the bid period.
Within two (2) business days of the conclusion of the bid on Fairmarkit, an Initial Bid Summary will be posted to this MBTA Business Center post. The summary will be available to the public and will include the number of bids received, each Bidder’s name, and the amounts bid.
Letter of Interest - Cannot be awardedDBE: 3%Category: Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO)Buyer: Ian Atherton | 617-222-3344 | IAtherton@MBTA.com Documents: Bid Opening Summary 4-25 Power Products, Inc. Awarded Amount: $4000000Description: The MBTA seeks to Purchase Allison Transmission ComponentsCategory: Revenue Vehicles (Buses)Buyer: Timothy Sullivan | 617-222-3298 | tsullivan1@MBTA.com Bid tabulation sheet: IFB 4-25 Allison Transmission Components Initial Bid Opening Summary PDF.pdf Documents: Initial Bid Opening Summary IFB 4-25 Allison Transmission Components Business Center Memo PDF.pdf