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Please review the complete notice to bidders to access the full legal version of this solicitation.
Project Name | Re-advertisement of Jackson Square Station Accessibility Improvements |
Project Location | Boston, MA |
Contract Number | A90CN12 |
Class | Class 1 & 7 |
Project Value | $25,300,000.00 |
DBE Goal | 22% |
Scope of Work
Work consists of building a new elevator and modernizing an existing one, building a new existing structure and rebuilding an existing station stair, upgrading the existing Unit Substation, electrical and standpipe improvements throughout the facility, upgrading finishes interior and exterior, cleaning and repairing expansion joints and performing sidewalk improvements while also coordinating with a future busway project (by others). This Contract is subject to a financial assistance Contract between the MBTA and the Federal Transit Administration of U.S. Department of Transportation. FTA Participation 80% percent.
Note: Contract specifications and drawings are available for download from an MBTA FTP site.
Click here to be put on the Planholders list, and request a copy of the contract specifications and drawings.
Send Sealed Bids to:
All bids must be submitted electronically at: www.Bidx.com
Bids Must Be Received By: 03/20/2025 At 2:00 PM
Immediately thereafter, the Bids will be opened and read publicly on a virtual on-line meeting.
Bid Opening Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTg4ZjFlMGMtZTUyOC00ZTBmLTk5YjgtMDI5NGI0ODFjMWY5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227558e599-f006-481f-9717-b189e6730862%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2236fca430-d9fe-4739-a49e-50200dad3d6b%22%7d
Authorization for the Bidders to view the site of work on the MBTA's property shall be obtained by:
Project Manager | Eitan Normand 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116 |
Telephone Number | 617-861-7613 |
Email Address | enormand@mbta.com |
Site Tour Date & Time* | 02/20/2025 at 10:00 AM |
Site Tour Location | Jackson Square Station at 255 Centre Street, Boston, MA |
Pre-Bid Meeting Date & Time ** | 02/20/2025 at 1:00 PM |
Pre-Bid Meeting Location | Virtual Teams Meeting |
Documents Available | 01/29/2025 |
*. Bidders are advised that they should have representation at this tour as no extra visits are planned.
**. Any request for interpretation of the Plans and Specifications should be submitted in writing at the same time.