Bidding and Solicitations > Design & Construction

CMAR Symphony Station Improvements Project, Boston, MA (Re-advertisement)

Project Description

MBTA Contract No. A26CN06

Work consists of installing 4 elevators, raising the existing platform to accommodate train heights and level boarding, customer assistance areas on the IB and OB platforms, adding egress stairs on each platform, expanding the mezzanine and upgrading life safety systems, lighting, finishes and wayfinding, and City of Boston bike lane.

RFQ Requests

To request access to the RFQ and Plans and Specifications, interested firms should email, with the following information:

1. Name of the Firm requesting access
2. Firm’s address
3. Contact person
4. Contact person’s email address
5. Please provide same information for a secondary contact

The subject line of the e-mail must state “RFQ – A26CN06R”.

SOQ Respondent List

Consigli Construction Co., Inc.
Judlau Contracting, Inc.
Suffolk Construction Company, Inc.

Shortlisted Firms

Consigli Construction Co., Inc.
Judlau Contracting, Inc.
Suffolk Construction Company, Inc.

Ranking of CMAR Firms

1. Suffolk Construction Company, Inc.*
2. Consigli Construction Co., Inc.
3. Judlau Contracting, Inc.

*Awarded to Suffolk Construction Company, Inc. Notice to Proceed issued on 2/19/2025.


A26CN06 CM RFQ Public Announcement