Bidding and Solicitations > Design & Construction

CMAR Green Line Riverside and Innerbelt Vehicle Maintenance Facility "VMF" Upgrades, Somerville, Newton, MA

Project Description

MBTA Contract No. R27CN01

Provide Construction Manager (CM) related services to upgrade, modify and prepare the Green Line Riverside (Newton) and Innerbelt (Somerville) Vehicle Maintenance Facilities buildings to receive, assemble, test and commission, as well as support maintenance operations for the new low-floor Type 10 light-rail vehicles (LRVs). The work encompasses track, pits and work platforms extension, re-sectionalization of overhead catenary, floor structure reinforcement, mechanical-HVAC, mechanical-hoist, fire protection, contaminated materials management, electrical, plumbing and stinger system upgrade.

RFQ Requests

To request access to the RFQ interested firms should email, with the following information:
-Name of the Firm requesting access
-Firm’s address
-Contact person
-Contact person’s email address
-The subject line of the e-mail must state “RFQ – R27CN01”

SOQ Respondent List

Suffolk Construction Company Inc.
Turner Construction Company
Commodore Builders LLC

Shortlisted Firms

Suffolk Construction Company Inc.
Turner Construction Company
Commodore Builders LLC

Ranking of CMAR Firms

1. Turner Construction Company*
2. Commodore Builders
3. Suffolk Construction Company

*Awarded to Turner Construction Company. Notice to Proceed issued on 12/3/2024.

Trade Contractor Prequalification

RFQ Trade Prequalification - Package 1 and 2B 12/5/2024
RFQ available on Bid Express.


R27CN01 CM RFQ Public Announcement
R27CN01 Trade RFQ Public Announcement