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Track State of Good Repair Contract 2

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Pre-Bid Meeting Date & Time 02/20/2025 at 10:00 AM
Bid Opening Date 3/13/2025
Contract Number T90CN09
Class Class 1 - $20,000,000 & Class 3 - $20,000,000
Project Value $25,000,000.00
DBE Goal N/A %

Scope of Work:

These contracts are for systemwide track infrastructure improvements on the red, orange, blue, and green lines. Work will include replacement of ties, rail, restrained rail along both tangent, curved and restrained curve track, special trackwork, removal and replacement of broken or lock spike plates with pandrol plates, insulators and C-Bonds (where called for or where damaged by Contractor), contact rail replacement, ballast replacement (full depth and spot), joint elimination thermite welding, direct fixation and floating slab repairs including concrete repairs and replacement, surface line and tamping and track stabilizing where directed on both Light Rail and Heavy Rail portions of the MBTA system. CWR will require thermite welding and destressing in accordance with MBTA standards during scheduled surges. Work may require early action items like weekly meetings with contractors to plan and schedule work, moving rail, pre plating ties, site walks to finalize work limits, materials delivery, materials staging, equipment movement, schedule update, etc. Contractor will be required to remove all surplus materials generated by the project and all existing debris currently within the project limits. Debris to be removed will be confirmed during planned preconstruction site walks.

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View Complete Notice to Bidders (PDF)View Complete Notice to Bidders

View Complete Notice to Bidders (PDF)Comparison of Bids Report for Contract T90CN09 (27.88kb) updated Thursday, March 13, 2025

T90CN09 Planholders List    T90CN09 Planholders List (Printer Friendly) T90CN09 Planholders List (Printer Friendly)

Apparent Low Bidder Bid Amount
Bids currently being Tabulated
Bid Responses Bid Amount
Bids currently being Tabulated